Sturm en Dekker


Albert Plesmanweg 21
4462 GC Goes

Heures d'ouverture

Mon-Fri: 7h-17h

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Sturm and Dekkers is part of the Sinkegroep family business, which started working in the demolition sector some four decades ago. All reusable building elements from their own demolition are sold at their site in Goes. There you can find electronics, kitchen furniture, shelves, as well as doors, windows and insulation material.

Although the sale of used building materials is only a small part of the company’s operations, every reclaimed building element is treated in an equally serious manner. All materials are cleaned and ordered, with the planks de-nailed and sorted by length and type. The well-arranged storage shed therefore looks like a DIY store. Except that most materials are sold for a price lower than their new equivalents.

Last modification: 27/11/2023