

Kanaalweg 8D
2678 LX De Lier

Heures d'ouverture

Mon-Fri 8h-17h

Le réemploi dans la ville de verre

L’économie circulaire du commerce de serres aux Pays-Bas

Transport Conception Démolition Démantèlement

Cleaning of the parts, reparations 

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Horti-Used has been active in the demolition and the construction of professional horticultural greenhouses since the 1980s. Since 2020, it has stopped building greenhouses and focuses solely on the reclamation and sale of greenhouses via auction sites such as Troostwijk or Tuinbouwmarktplaats.

The company has its own stock of small to medium-sized greenhouses, but also occasionally offers hangars and other structures. The range of smaller structures and individual components is also available to private individuals. Customers can always call on Horti-Used for assistance in their design or search for the right materials for a specific structure.

Last modification: 15/05/2024